
Rozpiski, zasady i pogaduchy o termosach i marynatach
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Członek Klubu Marauder
Posty: 293
Rejestracja: 26 lis 2013, o 17:15
Gram w:: WH40k, AoS, Mordheim, 9th age, Afterglow

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Theidan » 19 maja 2015, o 22:06

To jest to co ci mówiłem dzisiaj jak byłeś :)
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Członek Klubu Marauder
Posty: 293
Rejestracja: 26 lis 2013, o 17:15
Gram w:: WH40k, AoS, Mordheim, 9th age, Afterglow

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Theidan » 19 maja 2015, o 22:15

Z tego co zdołałem znaleść, to formacja mówi, ze wszyscy korzystają z canticles of omnissiah (i tak na razie nie wiadomo co to póki co), nawet jeżeli nie nalezą do kultu, jeżeli Warlordem jest techpriest dominus (hq kultu) to przezuca traity z swojej tabeli, i teraz derp... Wargear i relikty są za free, i wszystkie bronie (jeżeli maja taki zapis) tracą zasadę gets hot.
Moja chcieć nowy White dwarf D:
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Posty: 1241
Rejestracja: 8 wrz 2012, o 20:19
Gram w:: gry

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Gabriel » 20 maja 2015, o 12:00

Weapons and items
Mechadendrite Harness
The metal cables and the armatures of this are used b Tech-Priests of the Cult Mechanicus to accomplish hundred of different tasks

The wearer can shoot with all shooting weapons in the Shooting Phase. In addition, the wearer is equipped with a data-pick

Data-pick (?data-thief is better)
Data picks allow agents of the Adeptus Mechanicus to invade the cortex of enemy machines and steal their secrets in moments
Range -, S user, AP-, Melee, Data-pick, Disruption

Data-pick: When a model equipped with a weapon with this special rule attacks in hand-to-hand, it gains an extra attack with this weapon at initiative step 10. This does not give an extra Pile In move.

The Adeptus Mechanicus does not take exploiting warzone resources lightly – to the degree that some members continue their work after death.

At the beginning of each of your turns, the bearer can identify 1 Mysterious Objective anywhere on the battlefield

Electroclastic Baton
The powerful capacitors built into an electroclast baton allow it to drawn off every last bit of electricity from its victim

Range -, S+2, AP4, Melee, two-handed, Shock, Electroclast

Electroclast: A roll of 6 to wound gives the Instant Death rule

Electrostatic gauntlets
These bracelets channel electrostatic charge from the rearmounted generator and release it in a cascade of deadly lightning
Range 12” S4 AR- Assault 2, twin-linked
Range -, S+1, AP-, Melee

Eradication Beamer
Whosoever is taken by the pale light of the eradication beamer finds death
Eradication shots have different profiles depending on the distance to the target. If the profile to use is not clear, the controlling player gets to choose

Range 0-12”, S8, AP1, Heavy 1
Range 12-24”, S6, AP3, heavy 1, Blast

This is an antique pistol capable of firing a cloud of solid projectiles
Range 12”, S4, AP6, Burst (?) pistol

Burst (?) Pistol: When shooting with a weapon with this rule, throw 5 dice, but it is treated as a pistol in all other respects

Phosphor Serpenta
Even if a victim turns out to be strong enough to survive, the light given off by these globes serves as a beacon to allies, guiding their attacks.

Range 18”, S5, AP4, Assault 1, Luminagen

Luminagen – same as in previous WD

Volkite Charger
Volkite weapons transfer so much thermal energy to the target that it combusts on the spot.

Range 24", S6, AP5, Heavy 3, Conflagration (best guess)

Conflagration: After normal attacks from this weapon are resolved, count the number of Wounds removed from the target unit; immediately resolve the same number of automatic hits at S6 AP5. The models of the target unit must still be within range for these additional attacks to happen. The wounds lost because of this special rule do not cause additional attacks.

Special Rules for the Formation
Brotherhood of the Martian Machine : All the units of this formation have the special rule Canticles of the Omnissia (see Codex: Cult Mechanicus), even if they are not all part of the Cult Mechanicus faction.

-Alpha-Dominus : If the Tech-Priest Dominus of this formation is your Warlord, you can reroll your dice roll on the Warlord Traits Table of Codex: Cult Mechanicus

Power of the Adeptus Mechanicus : All the options available to models of the Formation (including Relics of Mars and Arcana Mechanicum) are free. Furthermore, weapons of models in the formation lose the 'Gets Hot' rule if they have it.
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Posty: 483
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2012, o 11:42

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Relax » 20 maja 2015, o 13:17

Dobra dobra - Mechanicus rulez, ale mnie kręci ta kampania: ... n-about-2/

Oczywiście chaos musi być jakoś upośledzony bo w/g tej formacji Kharybdis drop pod spada na wroga zadając mu obrażenia z siłą D, ale..... ma system naprowadzania, który nakazuje mu ominięcie jednostek na które spada :lol:
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Posty: 149
Rejestracja: 1 gru 2014, o 11:26
Gram w:: WH40k & X-Wing

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Unehru » 20 maja 2015, o 13:44

Ten system sprawia, że jak spada to trafia, ale nie mishapuje w DSie, bo zsuwa się i staje obok!
Także kozak! :)

'I murdered thousands for the Emperor and he gave me nothing except his damning silence.
Now his lapdogs yap for every life I take, while gods promise me the galaxy.'
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Prezes Klubu Marauder
Posty: 2569
Rejestracja: 8 sty 2012, o 14:04
Lokalizacja: Łódź

Re: Newsy

Post autor: stave » 20 maja 2015, o 20:49

To jest limitowane tylko na ten event więc- Ebay pozostaje bo ja tego raczej w ofercie mieć nie będe a jeśli się coś zmieni dam znaka bo z GW nigdy nic nie wiadomo.
Posiadamy pełną ofertę GW, Italeri, Zvezda, Wamod, Paintforge i Magnesów
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Członek Klubu Marauder
Posty: 293
Rejestracja: 26 lis 2013, o 17:15
Gram w:: WH40k, AoS, Mordheim, 9th age, Afterglow

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Theidan » 20 maja 2015, o 20:56

Z tego co kojaże, to ten book (chyba) jest nadal dostępny, ale kupisz go tylko i wyłącznie w Nottingam, tak samo jak to Space Marine HQ Land Rider + Rhino.
Posty: 172
Rejestracja: 15 wrz 2012, o 19:40
Gram w:: W30k/40k, Adeptus Titanicus

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Sisi » 20 maja 2015, o 21:02

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Posty: 483
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2012, o 11:42

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Relax » 21 maja 2015, o 09:07

Niestety Unehru chyba nie masz racji.
Poniżej wyjasnienie:
Zasada formacji że zamiast mishapa dzieje się to a tamto. Ale, mishap nigdy się nie zdarzy - nie można celowo DSować na pojazdy i IGS nie pozwala by zrzuciło nas na wrogie pojazdy.

Coś mi mówi że początkowo ta formacja była dla Dreadclawa (nie ma IGS), ale w ostatniej chwili ktoś rzucił hasłem że 'bdis się słabo sprzedaje i wyszło jak widać.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 21 maja 2015, o 09:08

One of these will feature a Guilliman's golden standard of key Tactical Doctrine in to which you add different strategic elements in form of Assault or Devastator Doctrine based elements along with specialized support formations to suit one's needs.

Like this:
Adeptus Astartes Operative Detachment

1+ Tactical Detachment(s) with 2+ Troop Choices, 1 Elite, 0-1 Fast Attack (with restricted choices), 0-1 Heavy Support (also restricted) and 0-1 Fortification.

1 Command Detachment per Core Detachment

0-1 Lord Detachment per army

0-X Doctrine Detachment(s) per Tactical Detachment which include:
Devastator Doctrine
2-X Heavy Supports (restricted choices)
1-2 Scouts
0-1 Tactical Squad
0-1 Elite (restricted)
0-1 Fast Attack (restricted)

Assault Doctrine
0-1 HQ (restricted)
2-X Assault Squads/Vanguard Veterans/Assault Centurions
0-1 Fast Attack (restricted)

Mechanical Detachment (Vehicles only except for MotF and/or Techmarines)
0-1 HQ (Command Rhino + Land Raider XXX)
0-1 MotF
0-3 Techmarines
1-3 Vehicles (non walkers and as squadrons of 1-3)

Aerial Detachment
Siege Detachment

It will be a one heck of a release which will bring a lot of changes for "vanilla" Space Marines, which will add a lot of flavor for them allowing you to field a force which is even more specialized than those non-Girlyman standard Space Marines who are considered to be worth of their own book...

Four Codices worth of stuff with a price tag of two. Two Infantry boxes, two clampack HQs, upgraded vehicle kit along with Vehicle Formation Bundle and a "starter" Bundle.
Chapter-specific Boxed Sets coming alongside new Space Marine Codex:-Ultramarines Sternguard Squad
-Raven Guard Assault Squad
-White Scars Bike Squad
-Salamanders Devastator Squad
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.