
Rozpiski, zasady i pogaduchy o termosach i marynatach
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Posty: 483
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2012, o 11:42

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Relax » 17 lip 2014, o 10:12

No nie wiem. Dla mnie na LoW zasługuje dopiero takie coś jak demoniczny Angron w dawnej Apokalipsie (jeśli ktoś nie czytał to miał w obstawie 12 bloodthirsterów). Mephi by się pewnie nawet do niego nie dopchał... :lol:
Posty: 88
Rejestracja: 8 sty 2012, o 21:14

Re: Newsy

Post autor: kard » 17 lip 2014, o 11:12

właśnie statystyk ghaz jakoś strasznych nie ma,tyle co eternal wariora ma i +1 WS, A i W (szczerze jak dla mnie to zwykły warboss lepszy i tańszy) więc szału się nie spodziewajcie
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Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 17 lip 2014, o 17:50

With the Codex release, there will come new Boxed Sets:

-Sky Claw Pack - 5 Marines with Jump Pack
1x Space Wolves sprue, 1x old Assault Marine Jumppack sprue

-Long Fang Pack - 5 Marines and Razorback
1x Space Wolves sprue, 1x Devastator Weapon sprue, 1x Razorback & Rhino sprues

-Retinue of the Wolf Priest - 1x Wolf Priest, 10x Wolf Guard
1x Wolf Priest sprue, 2x Space Wolves sprues, 1x Space Marine Command Squad sprue

-Ragnars Great Company - 1x Wolf Lord, 5x Terminators, 20x Grey Hunters / Blood Claws, 3x Drop Pod
1x Wolf Lord sprue, 1x Space Wolves Terminator sprue, 4x Space Wolves sprues, 3x Drop Pod sprues
Plastic models for the Sons of Fenris

-Wolf Lord in Terminator Armor / Logan Grimnar
-Wolf Lord / Ragnar Blackmane
-Wolf Priest / Ulrik
-Iron Priest with Thralls Box
-Rune Warriors with Rune Priest / Wolf Guard Box
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.
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Posty: 1241
Rejestracja: 8 wrz 2012, o 20:19
Gram w:: gry

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Gabriel » 18 lip 2014, o 23:11

new space Wolves Codex content:

They are now Warlord Traits like other armies with the difference that you can choose them without to roll dices

HQ Units
Like 3rd Edition; One HQ per 750p

Logan Grimnar
Lord of War, may take Two Warlord Traits, make Wolf Guard Packs to troops

Ragnar Blackmane
When all Units in the detachment take Drop Pods as dedicated Transport, Ragnar will be free. Your Army may only take Unites with an Drop Pod option.

Canis Wolfborn
No longer in the Codex

Harald Deathwolf
New Character, replace the generic Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, make Thunderwolf Cavalry to Troops

Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Now a Lord of War, becomes "it will not die". When Bjorn is destroyed every Space Wolves Unit within 12" becomes furious charge, fearless and hate the unit, charakter or vehicle that destroyed him

Wolf Guard
Pack Leaders are now entries in the Units like Squad Leaders in other Armies. Still no teleport for Terminators

Grey Hunters
Close Combat Weapons are now a option that replace the Bolter, 5p cheaper

Blood Claws
3p cheaper

Long Fangs
Can't take Rhinos as dedicaded Transports

Z dużą iloscią soli to weźcie, prawdopodobnie 60% z tego to bujda :/
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Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 19 lip 2014, o 21:03

that SW now have standard Sgt upgrades. I am assuming this is 10pt, like other space marine chapters. Even wolf guard seem to have this, though the Sgt upgrade has nothing aside from (character) different from normal WG.
* Grey hunters seem to remain at the same point cost. They have the same special rules. Their wargear however I cannot really tell. It seems like they still have the same loadout. All come with CC wep and BP, one also has a bolt gun, so they may all have the bolter and just replaced it with special equipment. Seems like they dont have the CSM style "1pt bolter", as the unit is not a strange number and only 1 shows to have a bolter.
* Blood claws again, basing info on the 10pt sgt upgrade, blood claws are now 3pt cheaper. Lost the crazy leadership test or no shooting and gained RAGE!!!
* Wolf Guard with the loadout used in the scenario are 15pt less than wolf guard used in the current box. Combine that with the Sgt upgrade and we are looking at 5pt less per model, most likely taken out of the TDA cost. Seems to put us on par with SM TDA for cost.
* Wolf Lords Dramatic cost decrease, it is hard to compare to SM dudes as orbital bombardment and all, plus wargear differences. I can say that a Wolf lord with frost axe and belt of russ is currently 20pt more than this dude. This guy has furious charge and a bonus weapon skill to top him off. This also does not include the saga, as they have drastically changed it seems.
* All units in the box have ATSKNF, Counter attack and Acute senses (really on acute senses? Maybe we get some more outflank possibilities..)
* Frost axes and swords remain unchanged in profile.
* TDA for SW can now deepstrike, as the wargear section states so.
That is all I could gather, it might all be right, it could all be a horrible ruse from GW. Either or, I like the way it is heading. Blood claws might become usable! Considering that 15 of them is possibly only 180pt and will put out 60 attacks, that ins't all too shabby. Especially if you can prescience them! I wonder if the jump/bike variants will be more than 3pt off.
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.
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Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 20 lip 2014, o 16:12

Nowy Latacz do Wilków>>>>>>?
It will come in 2 versions:
First - 215 points
One - assault transport with TL hell frost cannon
Two fire modes:
- s6 ap3, blast, then it forces a Str test. If the test is failed, the enemy dies
- s8 ap1 , heavy 1 - rest is the same
16 models capacity
Heavy Bolters with MMelta or Skyhammer Option
Second: 220 points
6 models capacity
Hell frost cannon (the same as above)
Storm Strike missile
Both flyers have Machine Spirit and Ceramite plating.

The model will cost as much as a storm raven.
EDIT :!: :!: :!: :!: ->
The Stormfang Gunship has the look of half of a Caestus Assault Ram, and is on the cover of next week's White Dwarf. The previous rumors really list out its abilities well. It comes with a Helfrost Destructor, two twin-linked heavy bolters, two stormstrike missiles and ceramite plating, with power of the machine spirit.
Heavy bolter upgrades to skyhammer missile launcher or two twin linked multi-meltas
stormstrike missiles can be upgraded to a twin linked lascannon.

Helfrost Destructor
Dispersed 24" S6 AP3 Hvy1, Helfrost, Large Blast
Focused 24" S8 AP1, Hvy1, Helfrost, Lance

Stormstrike Missile 72" S8 AP2 hvy1 Concussive one shot only
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.
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Członek Klubu Marauder
Posty: 324
Rejestracja: 15 sty 2012, o 11:02
Gram w:: Flames of War, Warhammer 40.000
Lokalizacja: Łódź

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Rafi » 21 lip 2014, o 07:08

Ciekawie sie zapowiada.
(...)now holidays come, and then they go, nothin new to gain, collect another memory.. when I come home, late at night, don't ask me where I've been, just count your stars I'm home could be mine, you could be mine,you could be mine, mine(...)
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Posty: 140
Rejestracja: 30 maja 2013, o 10:40
Gram w:: KT, WH40k, WHU, Relic

Re: Newsy

Post autor: ShVagYeR » 21 lip 2014, o 10:29

Faktycznie trochę wygląda jak połowa Caestusa.


Posty: 242
Rejestracja: 20 cze 2012, o 09:47
Gram w:: FoW, Epic, TANKS, może 40k

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Reksio » 21 lip 2014, o 11:45

Lol, jakie to brzydkie :) Wygląda jak nieudany eksperyment medyczny. Dobrze, że Vendetta wygląda jakoś znośnie :)
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Członek Klubu Marauder
Posty: 293
Rejestracja: 26 lis 2013, o 17:15
Gram w:: WH40k, AoS, Mordheim, 9th age, Afterglow

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Theidan » 21 lip 2014, o 12:30

O ile na tą SMową latajkę mówi sie śmieciarka, tak to cuś to naprawdę wyglada jak latający kontener na śmieci :P