
Rozpiski, zasady i pogaduchy o termosach i marynatach
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Posty: 719
Rejestracja: 28 maja 2012, o 12:16

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Enzeru » 1 maja 2014, o 17:19

Ale na 1850 pts zmieszczę sobie 4 wybory z heavy na 25% a nie 3 ;)
A gwardia teraz i tak może sobie 4 sqd lemanów wziąć - jeden z HQ i 3 z heavy..
In the name of the Emperor I order you to die!!!
Posty: 172
Rejestracja: 15 wrz 2012, o 19:40
Gram w:: W30k/40k, Adeptus Titanicus

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Sisi » 1 maja 2014, o 21:01

O nowym podręczniku:

The new rulebook is not a 7th edition of the game, but a re-issue of 6th edition which has the FAQs incorporated in it, and some minor tweaks across the board. Some of you may remember when they did something similar during 3rd edition, where they totally overhauled the assault phase, but the edition itself was left alone from that point. Same idea here-- they're folding in the changes in Stronghold Assault into the main rulebook, and quantifying superheavy units and D weapons in the main rules. But that's about it.

Czyli to co powinni dawno robić - co jakiś czas wydawać nowsze wersje tego samego podręcznika z poprawkami. Dodruk? To tylko z poprawkami.
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Prezes Klubu Marauder
Posty: 2569
Rejestracja: 8 sty 2012, o 14:04
Lokalizacja: Łódź

Re: Newsy

Post autor: stave » 2 maja 2014, o 21:18

dokładnie, zobaczymy co im z tego wyjdzie :D
Posiadamy pełną ofertę GW, Italeri, Zvezda, Wamod, Paintforge i Magnesów
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Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 3 maja 2014, o 10:57

Firing at Flyers altered: Snap shot at flyers remains, but the firer can gain bonus to hit if unit remained stationary.

Firing by Flyers altered: Flyers who move above a certain speed (I would assume Cruising speed) suffer a to-hit penalty vs ground targets.

Flyer Movement altered:
-One turn up to 90 degrees at any point during movement

-Two turns up to 90 degrees (each) at any point during movement for Vector Dancer
Czyżby walki myśliwców 2.0 :roll: ?
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.
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Posty: 523
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2012, o 17:21
Gram w:: X-wing, Fow, Wfb, 40k,Mordheim
Lokalizacja: Gehenna

Re: Newsy

Post autor: VonBarnaky » 4 maja 2014, o 12:58

Orks are hot on the heels of 7th, (so June), and we have yet another source talking about kits that are jiving with stuff we've heard of late:

Look for the following:

- A new Ork Boys box triple-combo kit covering: Tank-Bustas, Kommandos, Flashgitz
- Buggie Combo kit (making the existing buggy and a new unknown kit)
- Mega-nobz Combo kit (making the existing Mega-nobz and a new unknown kit)
- Kopta Combo kit (making the existing Kopta and a new unknown kit)

-Stompa is said to included in the codex as a Lord of War

This latest set of rumors lines up pretty well with this set of rumors from past month:

Orks - 5 Kits

1) Plastic Warboss: Multi-part plastic kit which make a warboss in mega armor with new weapon options.
2) Deffkoptas: Plastic box. Dual build kit with a new Grot skimmer.
3) Tankbustas/Flashgitz/Ardboys: Multi-part plastic kit which makes any of the three units.
4) Buggy/Halftrakk Plastic kit with a new Supa-rokkit Launcha option.
5) Mek/Mad-doc/Mega-armor unit (NEW): Plastic dual unit kit - First unit is similar to oversized Cyb-orks. Shoots new saw-cannon. Second unit option makes mega armor Orks
- Grant Ward?
- Yes, I'Am.
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Posty: 1241
Rejestracja: 8 wrz 2012, o 20:19
Gram w:: gry

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Gabriel » 5 maja 2014, o 20:34


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V-ce Prezes Klubu Marauder
Posty: 721
Rejestracja: 1 wrz 2012, o 13:23

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Zigmunth » 5 maja 2014, o 20:34

co kradziej :P
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Posty: 1241
Rejestracja: 8 wrz 2012, o 20:19
Gram w:: gry

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Gabriel » 5 maja 2014, o 20:36

ojtam ojtam ;P
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V-ce Prezes Klubu Marauder
Posty: 721
Rejestracja: 1 wrz 2012, o 13:23

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Zigmunth » 5 maja 2014, o 20:38

Jak napisalem na fejsie:
Tactical Objectives - ciekawe / fajne
Faza Magii - podobna do WFB - ciekawe
brak FoC - powinno byc od razu utrupione... no kurde... chyba, że te bonusy o których piszą będą mega (jak pisał Szvagyer)
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Posty: 1241
Rejestracja: 8 wrz 2012, o 20:19
Gram w:: gry

Re: Newsy

Post autor: Gabriel » 5 maja 2014, o 20:41

Tia .... daemonologia .... już sobie wyobrażam Coteaza przyzywającego plagueberersów na prawo i lewo, bo ktoś musi trzymać znacznik, gdyż 90% armii to dreadknighty/riptide'y/wriathknighty (choose any combination) :/