Strona 54 z 115

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 08:39
autor: Manfred
Czekaj czekaj, z racji gry niepsykerową armią nie zwracałem na to większej uwagi: dispelować blessingi przeciwnikowi?

A co do rozpieprzania w locie to ten obrazek dalej mnie niszczy:

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 08:45
autor: Major
nie psykerowa armia tez bedzie mogla.

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 11:31
autor: Relax
To nie koniec - brak szarży po lądowaniu dla MC, tylko jeden atak ze smasha i dodatkowo tylko jeden vector strike kładą latający cyrk zupełnie imo, no chyba, że byle pętak da się opętać żeby zostać bloodthirsterem za 25 pkt :lol: ...

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 15:50
autor: Gabriel
OK, the vehicle damage chart really is simple, but has a few surprises.
1-3 Crew Shaken: vehicle only firing snap shots like normal
4 Crew Stunned: vehicle only firing snap shots and cannot move or pivot. Zooming flyers cannot turn and must move 18".
5 Weapon Destroyed: as normal and if all weapons have run out of ammunition or or already destroyed count as immobilized
6 Immobilized: Chariots count as Crew Stunned, Flyers 1-2 flyer crashes with Crash and Burn rule. 3+ it counts as crew stunned.An already immobilized vehicle suffering another immobilized result loses an additional hull point.

7+Explodes: D6 radius for a Strenth 4 hit on nearby units. vehicle destroyed

Crash and Burn: lg blast and scatters 2d6 for S6 hits.

Wrecked vehicles are those that lose all their hull points. becomes scenery

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 18:12
autor: Rafi

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 18:50
autor: Gabriel
Siła D w demonologi Sanctic ...

SlaaN i Barnaki pewnie zadowoleni ;P

EDIT : Jakaś rzeź w tabelce magii dla kodeksów. Dywinacja dla CSM. Marines też dostali dywinacje. Na co schodzi ta edycja :S

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 18:58
autor: UrbanChaos
Relax pisze:To nie koniec - brak szarży po lądowaniu dla MC, tylko jeden atak ze smasha i dodatkowo tylko jeden vector strike kładą latający cyrk zupełnie imo,

a to skąd wiadomo? bo pierwsze widze tą plotę, stąd pytam :)

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 18:59
autor: Gabriel
warlord traits are:

Skilled fighter:
1. the warlord has the counter attack special rule.
2. the warlord has the furious charge special rule.
3. the warlord hase the outflank special rule.
4. the warlord gains 1 victory point for each charactermodell he kills in a challenge.
5. the warlord has the feel no pain special rule.
6.the warlord has the fearless and it will not die special rule.

Skilled Leader:
1. all allied units within 12" can use the warlords LD.
2. all enemys within 12" of the warlord have to use the lowest LD.
3.the warlord and all friendly units within 12" of the warlord have the move through cover special rule.
4. the warlord and all friendly units within 12" add +1" on run and assault moves.
5. the warlord and all friendly units within 12" reroll failed to hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.
6. the warlord and all friendly units within 12" reroll failed to hit rolls of 1 in the assault phase.

Skilled Tactican: long as your warlord is alive you can discard 2 mission objectives per turn instead of 1.
2. one use only: declare at the end of one of your turns. if you declare the warlord trait your enemy has to discard one random mission objective of his.
3.obtain a additional mission objective at the start of your first turn.
4. when declaring mission objectives in your first turn you can select to discard up to all your mission objectives and draw new ones. long as your warlord is alive you can reroll the victory point result that you get for each mission objective archived.
6. for all tactical secured tactical mission objectives x (x is 1-6) you archive you gain a additional victory point.

Perils of the Warp
1. Dragged into the Warp: Psyker takes a leadership test, if passed suffers 1 wound or glancing hit no saves.if failed he is removed as a casualty and his unit takes d6 S6 AP1 hits. The hits come from the psyker for allocation
2. Mental Purge: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. randomly select one power from the psyker. its lost for the rest of the game.
3. Power Drain: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. if its the psychic phase, both players lose d3 warp charge points
4. Psychic Backlash: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves.
5. Empyric Feedback: Psyker takes a leadership test. if failed Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. If passed no effect.
6. Warp Surge Psyker takes a leadership test. if failed Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. If passed psyker gains a 3+ invul, fleshbane, armour bane, and smash until the next friendly psychic phase.

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 19:40
autor: Enzeru
Gabriel pisze:Siła D w demonologi Sanctic ...

SlaaN i Barnaki pewnie zadowoleni ;P

EDIT : Jakaś rzeź w tabelce magii dla kodeksów. Dywinacja dla CSM. Marines też dostali dywinacje. Na co schodzi ta edycja :S
Na lojalistów :D
Ale bania - Już nie tylko Astra mają Divinkę w każdej puszcze :D

Re: Newsy

: 21 maja 2014, o 20:09
autor: Major
czytam te karty i jestm pod wrazeniem, czary zostały bardzo dostrojone. nawet pyro jest fajne teraz. bio powala. o ciul, hemlock wraithfighter bedzie teraz musem do kupienia, 3 telepati jest swietna. coprawda nie działa teraz na fearles ale -1ld jest straszny dla tego modelu.