Strona 37 z 44

Re: Rozpiski

: 25 paź 2014, o 09:51
autor: Relax
Jadac za Rhino dalej jestes jednoosobowym unitem z watpliwym coverem i tracac turbo boosta. Juz. lepiej jinkuj. A najlepiej pozycz motorki - np ode mnie ;-). Biki z markiem nurgla i dwoma plasmami sa twardym i niebezpiecznym unitem.

Re: Rozpiski

: 29 paź 2014, o 13:06
autor: Endi
HQ1 - Destroyer Lord [Warscythe; Sempiternal weave; Mindshackle Scarab] 160
Troops1 - Necron Warriors 5 [transport 1] 65
Troops2 - Necron Warriors 5 [transport 2] 65
Troops3 - Necron Warriors 5 [transport 3] 65
FA1 - Canpoteck Wraths 6 210
HS1 - Annihilaton Barage 90
HS2 - Annihilaton Barage 90
HS3 - Annihilaton Barage 90
Transport 1- Night Scythe 100
Transport 2- Night Scythe 100
Transport 3- Night Scythe 100
LoW1 - Trnscendent C'tan [Weave of Withering; Transsliminal Stride; Cosmic Fire] 720

A może coś takiego na Mistrzostwa ................. ???????

Re: Rozpiski

: 29 paź 2014, o 14:43
autor: Gabriel
Dla osób co nie wiedzą co robi C'tan

Profil : 6 6 9 9 6 5 8 10 3+/4++ Gargantuan Creature

Transsliminal Stride : Zamiast ruchu 18 calowy ślizg ignorujący modele, każdy model po którym był wślizg otrzymuje hita z siłą D, C'tan nie może szarżować po tym ruchu

Weave of Withering: Hellstorm, S:D AP:1 Primary Weapon

Cosmic Fire: Hellstorm S6 AP3 Heavy 1

Re: Rozpiski

: 30 paź 2014, o 09:15
autor: Endi
Dzieki Gabriel zapomnialem dopisac sprostowania :)

Re: Rozpiski

: 29 gru 2014, o 22:18
autor: Endi
zastanawiam się czy da rade wystawić coś grywalnego bez Wraths ????

HQ1: Destroyer Lord [Mindshacle scarab; Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weava; Warscyte] 190
HQ2: Necron Overlord [ Mindshacle scarab; Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weava; Warscyte; Phase Shifter ] Transport 1
RC 1: Necron Lord [ Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weava; Staff of Light ] 80
RC 2: Necron Lord [ Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weava; Staff of Light ] 80

Elite 1: Triarch Stalker 150

Troops 1: Necron Immortals 10 170
Troops 2: Necrons Warriors 19 247

FA 1: Tomb Blade 5 [Particle Beamer x5; Shield Vanes] 150

HS 1: Doom Scythe 175
HS 2: Doom Scythe 175
HS 3: Doom Scythe 175

Transport 1: Catacomb Command barage 80

Points: 1847
KP: 12

Co wy na to ???

Re: Rozpiski

: 29 gru 2014, o 23:26
autor: Enzeru
Poczekaj na nowy Codex lepiej zanim coś kupisz -mam przeczucie,ze Doomscyty już na niewidzialnych działać nie będą ;)

Re: Rozpiski

: 29 gru 2014, o 23:39
autor: Gabriel
Stanowczo za mało Krypteków z haywire ;P

Re: Rozpiski

: 30 gru 2014, o 07:14
autor: Endi
Ale ja nic nie muszę kupowac bo wszystko to mam.

Re: Rozpiski

: 22 sty 2015, o 08:17
autor: Rafi
New Roster (748pts)

+ HQ (175pts) +

Captain (175pts) [Artificer Armor (20pts), Auspex (5pts), Bike (20pts), Grav Pistol (15pts), Power Fist (25pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character
········Captain (Artificer Armor): Unit Type:Infantry|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:3|Ld:10|Save:2+|Codex: Space Marines p79
········Artificer Armour: Description:Confers a 2+ Sv
········Auspex: Description:Forego shooting to make an enemy unit within 12" reduce it's cover save by 1, untill the end of the phase
········Iron Halo: Description:4++
········Space Marine Bike: Description:Change unit type to Bike, and gives +1 to Toughness. has built-in Twinlinked Bolter.

+ Troops (473pts) +

Bike Squad (171pts) [2x Grav-gun (30pts), 5x Space Marine Biker (105pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Graviton
····Biker Sergeant (36pts) [Combi-weapon (10pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]
········Biker Sergeant: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Space Marine Biker: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Grav-gun: Range:18"|Strength:*|AP:2|Type:Salvo 2/3, Concussive, Graviton|Codex: Space Marines 2013 p121

Bike Squad (151pts) [Meltagun (10pts), 5x Space Marine Biker (105pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
····Biker Sergeant (36pts) [Combi-weapon (10pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]
········Biker Sergeant: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Space Marine Biker: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Meltagun: Range:12"|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Assault 1, Melta|BRB p57

Bike Squad (151pts) [Meltagun (10pts), 5x Space Marine Biker (105pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
····Biker Sergeant (36pts) [Combi-weapon (10pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]
········Biker Sergeant: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Space Marine Biker: Unit Type:Bike|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Meltagun: Range:12"|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Assault 1, Melta|BRB p57

+ Heavy Support (100pts) +

Thunderfire Cannon (100pts)
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Chapter Tactics
········Thunderfire Cannon: Unit Type:Artillery|WS:-|BS:-|S:-|T:7|W:2|I:-|A:-|Ld:-|Save:3+
········TFC Airbust: Range:60|Strength:5|AP:6|Type:Heavy 4, Blast, Ignores Cover, Barrage
········TFC Subterranean Blast: Range:60|Strength:4|AP:-|Type:Heavy 4, Blast, Tremor, Barrage
········TFC Surface Detonation: Range:60|Strength:6|AP:5|Type:Heavy 4, Blast, Barrage

++ Selection Rules ++

And They Shall Know no Fear
Blessing of the Omnissiah
Bolster Defenses
Chapter Tactics
Graviton: The roll needed To Wound when firing a grav-weapon is always equal to the armour save of the target, to a minimwn of 6+. For example, when resolving a hit against a Space Marine in power armour you would need a 3+ To Wound. When resolving a hit against a vehicle, roll a D6 for each hit instead of rolling for armour penetration as normal. On a 1-5 nothing happens, but on a 6, the target suffers an lmmobilised result and loses a single Hull Point. Grav-weapons have no effect on buildings. (Codex: Space Marines 2013 p121)
Independent Character

Created with BattleScribe (

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Re: Rozpiski

: 22 sty 2015, o 08:53
autor: Relax
Dla mnie naćkane tekstu i statystyk tak, że staje się mało czytelne. Ale rozpiska fajna na te punkty. Taki smashucker w wersji econo ;) Może sirakom też daj cos do cc?